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Back in October 2023, Games Workshop announced Kill Team: Salvation, the latest expansion of their popular Warhammer 40K skirmish game, which includes two new forces: the Aeldari Striking Scorpions and the much-anticipated Space Marine Scouts.
Now, the box set is finally, having been released on January 13th, 2024. It quickly sold out on the Games Workshop site, but you can still pick it up from Amazon or from eBay.
So is this latest round in the new Kill Team season worth picking up? Below we take a closer look.

What’s included in Kill Team: Salvation?
The new Kill Team: Salvation box set is the first major expansion in the 2024 season of Kill Team. The action takes place on the toxic ruins of Bheta-Decima, a forge world ravaged by the burning debris and tainted inhabitants of the legendary space hulk Gallowdark, which crashed into the planet. A Magos Biologis soon sends an urgent distress call and is answered by a Scout Squad of the Raven Guard bound by a centuries-old debt to extract him and his research from a crumbling ocean-rig complex. The Aeldari, however, have sent a Blades of Khaine kill team with an agenda of their own.
This boxed set includes:
- 10 Aeldari Striking Scorpions miniatures
- 10 Space Marine Scouts miniatures
- Five small bits of Adeptus Mechanicus themed terrain
- Datacards and token sheets for each team
- An 88-page manual including lore and rules for both Kill Teams
- One full size transfer sheet each for the Space Marines and Aeldari
- Two small Raven Guard chapter specific transfer sheets

What’s included with the Space Marine Scouts?
Using lighter armour and wargear to undertake stealthy missions, these Astartes are designed to be both fast and deadly. The plastic miniatures include 10x Scouts, each armed with a boltgun, shotgun, bolt pistol and knife. These models also come with a variety of cosmetic and upgrade options, allowing you to build the following new operative types: Scout Sergeant, Heavy gunner, Hunter, Sniper, Tracker and Warrior.

What’s included with the Striking Scorpions?
The new Striking Scorpions are Aeldari Aspect Warriors who are trained to hunt from the shadows and ar armed with chainswords and shuriken pistols. The plastic miniatures include 10x Striking Scorpions, two of which can be built as Exarchs with a variety of weapons options, as well as 2x Striking Scorpion Aspect Shrine models which can be used as tokens.

When Was Kill Team: Salvation released?
The box set officially launched in North America, the UK and most of Europe on January 13th, 2024. As with other Games Workshop products, the release dates for local game shops may vary, but it was made available from other retailers shortly after the official launch date
How much is Kill Team Salvation?
The new Kill Team: Salvation box set retails for $130 USD (£80.00), making it a fair bit cheaper than previously released Kill Team sets. As always, this price may vary if you pick it up from your friendly local game store or other online retailer, which typically knock 15 to 20% off GW’s standard price.
Final Thoughts
It’s great to see Games Workshop continue to support Kill Team in such a huge way and the models look great and have potential use in Warhammer 40K as well. The inclusion of new Space Marine Scouts and Aeldari Striking Scorpions offers a ton of playability and the expanded rules add a new level of depth to the current system. In short, if you’re a Kill Team fan, then you’ll definitely want to pick up the Salvation box set.
The box set is currently sold out from the Games Workshop website, although you can still pick it up from Amazon or from eBay.
Visit our Warhammer 40K Miniatures page for more reviews and news.

Zachary Birch lives in Medford, Massachusetts and has been a dedicated war gamer for over 15 years, playing pretty much ever system under the sun. Orks remain his favorite Warhammer 40K army (because nothing beats stomping gits into the ground). He also enjoys playing video games, reading, playing the guitar and shouting “WAAAGH!” at inappropriate times.
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