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When it comes to the Warhammer 40K universe, there are few forces more depraved and bloodthirsty than the legions of Chaos Space Marines. Now, these demonic warriors are back in the gore-spattered spotlight, with a number of new products on the horizon, including an updated 10th edition Chaos Space Marines Codex and two new Battleforces.
To kick things off, Games Workshop has also unveiled two new Chaos Lord models, one which features the standard format of the infamous unit and the other a new jump pack variant.
So just what new horrors await the foes of Dark Gods of the Warp? Below, we break out all the details.

What’s Included With the Two New Chaos Lord Space Marine Models?
While the launch of a new Codex often includes a new model, in the case of the Chaos Space Marines, Games Workshop has unveiled, not one, but two new Chaos Lord models.
The first model is a new take on the standard Chaos Lord, with the miniature featuring ornate power armor decked out with with gruseome trophies, including the now iconic skull rack attached to the back. The kit also includes a fair bit of customization, with the ability to choose from either a chain axe, accursed maul or daemon hammer in the right hand, and a plasma pistol or power fist in his left. There’s also a choice of horned helmet or bare head.
The second model is the new jump pack Chaos Lord. This high-flying variant also has some flexibility in terms of the build, with the option to choose from either a plasma or bolt pistol in the right hand and a power axe or lightning claw in the left hand. Alternatively, you can choose to go with two lightning claws, offering serious melee potential.

What is the Datasheet and Point Value for the New Chaos Lords?
The datasheet for the new Chaos Lord models will officially be made available in the upcoming Chaos Space Marines Codex for 10th edition, but stats for similar models can be found on Page 23-26 of Games Workshop’s free Chaos Space Marines Army Rules PDF.
According to the most recent Munitorium Field Manual (which breaks out the point value of all Warhammer 40K 10th edition models), a standard Chaos Lord comes in at 75 points, while the Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour weighs in at 95 points. It’s likely the two new Chaos Lord models will have similar values when they’re released (although we won’t know for sure until the 10th edition Chaos Space Marines Codex is released).

What are the previous Space Marine Chaos Lord Models?
Over the past few years, Games Workshop has released a number of different Chaos Lord models. The most recent being the Chaos Lord and the Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor, both of which were originally released in 2019 but are still widely available today.
A slight variant was also produced in 2019 with the Chaos Space Marines Terminator Lord, which has many of the same characteristics as the other two models.

What is A Space Marine Chaos Lord ?
In the lore of Warhammer 40K, Chaos Lords are some of the most powerful servants of the Dark Gods, often serving as the leader of Chaos Space Marine warbands due to their strength, ruthlessness and cunning.
The appearance and personalities of any given Chaos Lord can vary greatly as they are often granted bizarre mutations and powers that reflect the nature of the foul Gods which they serves. Chaos Lords of Khorne, for example tend to prefer to wear ornate spiked armor and tear their opponents apart at close range using claws and blades. Conversely, Chaos Lords of Tzeentch are often barely recognizable as humans, having been twisted by foul psyker sorcery.
What Chaos Lords do share in common, however, is a unholy need to spread destruction, ruin and death throughout the galaxy.

How much Are the new Chaos Lord Space Marine models?
Games Workshop has not yet confirmed the price, but the new Chaos Lords will likely have an MSRP of around $40-$50 USD if you purchase it directly from the Games Workshop website. As noted previously, the models will first be released in the upcoming “Veterans of the Long War” and “Dread Talons” Battleforces before they’re made available as standalone products.
As always, prices may vary if you buy the model from your local game store or from Amazon (where discounts and sales may allow you to pick him up for a bit cheaper, with most third-party retailers offering at least 10-15% discounts).

When Will the New Chaos Lord Models Be Released?
Games Workshop has not yet confirmed the release date, but it will likely be in the May 2024 to coincide with the launch of the the upcoming Chaos Space Marines Codex.
Notably, in recent months Games Workshop has been having difficulties meeting pre-order demand, with some third-party game stores being unable to get their hands on product, so you may want to check with your local retailer to see if and when the new Chaos Lords models are available in your area.

Final Thoughts
So far in 2024 we’ve seen the emergence of new units of Orks, Adeptus Custodes and T’au Empire. With Chaos Space Marines now joining the fight, it’s great to see new models that will soon be spilling blood for the Ruinous Powers.
We’ll be keeping an eye on the two new Chaos Lord models in the days ahead and will update this page with more information as it’s available. Below is also a recent video from Games Workshop showing more details of the new units coming soon for Chaos Space Marines.
Visit our Warhammer 40K Miniatures page for more reviews and news.

Zachary Birch lives in Medford, Massachusetts and has been a dedicated war gamer for over 15 years, playing pretty much ever system under the sun. Orks remain his favorite Warhammer 40K army (because nothing beats stomping gits into the ground). He also enjoys playing video games, reading, playing the guitar and shouting “WAAAGH!” at inappropriate times.
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