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If you’re a fan of grimdark toys from the 41st millennium, then you’ll likely be praising the Emperor after learning that six new McFarlane Warhammer 40k action figures are hitting the market.
The figures are technically Wave 7 of the McFarlane Toy’s popular Warhammer 40K line. Each figure is 7 inches in height and features 22 movable parts, allowing for a range of posability and display. In addition, each figure includes a collectible art card and custom box art.
Notably, Wave 7 consists of three new painted base units: the World Eaters Khorne Bezereker, the Ultramarines Terminator and the Space Wolves Wolf Guard. There are then three alternate versions (known as “artist proofs”) that are unpainted and feature a completely different sculpt.
Below we break out all the details on each of the six new McFarlane Warhammer 40K action figures.

World Eaters Khorne Berzerker
Unholy servants of the Blood God, Khorne Berzerkers are a staple of Warhammer 40K, having once been loyal Space Marines before being twisted into grotesque demons by the powers of Chaos. Now they live only for battle, leaving nothing but death and destruction in their wake.
This 7-inch version includes a plasma pistol, chain axe, alternate hands and a display base. The art featured on the box and accompanying collectible card are also solid, having appeared in previous Games Workshop materials.

Ultramarines Terminator
Some of the most iconic warriors among the Imperium of Man, Ultramarines Terminators are veteran Space Marines who have proven themselves in battle, earning the to wear the sacred Terminator Armour that transforms them into nearly unstoppable killing machines. Equipped with teleportation devices and a range of devastating weapons, they strike quickly and obliterate their foes.
The new Ultramarines Terminator action figure features the unit’s familiar design and color pattern, along with a double-barrelled Storm Bolter and display base .

Space Wolves Wolf Guard
Some of the most feared warriors of the Adeptus Astartes, the Wolf Guard are elite members of the Space Wolves Chapter, who lead packs into battle and serve as protection for high-ranking members. Equipped with Terminator armour and lethal melee weaponry, they’re renowned for their viciousness and cunning.
McFarlane Toys’ new Wolf Guard action figure does an awesome job of capturing the hunter-killer nature of these fearsome warriors. The figure includes a bolt rifle, power axe, alternate hands and display base.

World Eaters Khorne Berzerker (Artist Proof)
This alternate artist proof version of the painted Khorne Berzerker offers a bit more detail and some added weaponry. In particular it comes equipped with a bolt pistol, chain sword, alternate hands and display base.
In many ways, I actually like the design of this better than the standard version, but it’s a great option if you’re a fan of the World Eaters and don’t mind getting your hands dirty painting your own figure.

Ultramarines Terminator (Artist Proof)
This alternate artist proof version is literally just an unpainted version of the standard McFarlane Wave 7 Ultramarines Terminator action figure. It too includes the Storm Bolter weapon and a display base.
Besides being unpainted, the only other signifiant difference is the art feature on the box and collector’s card (which notably is taken from the Warhammer 40K 10th edition Leviathan Box Set).

Space Wolves Wolf Guard (Artist Proof)
And rounding out the Wave 7 McFarlane Warhammer 40K series is this alternate artist proof Space Wolves Wolf Guard. This is a completely different sculpture and showcases an older and more grizzled warrior.
Like the Khorne Berzerker, I really prefer this overall design to the standard, painted model. It also includes a bolt rifle, axe, alternate hands and display base.

Final Thoughts
The new Warhammer 40K Wave 7 action figures from McFarlane Toys are amazing. While not quite as detailed as JOYTOY figures (like their recent Imperial Fists Captain), they’re well designed and really do a great job of capturing the essence of their various characters and factions and are significantly cheaper. You can buy them individually or as a bundle set.
Below you can also check out a video from McFarlane Toys featuring the new wave of Warhammer 40K figures.
Visit our Warhammer 40K Toys page for more reviews and news.

Rebecca Meyer is a Senior Writer located in Boston. Her favorite Warhammer 40K faction is a toss up between Adepta Sororitas and Genestealers. When she’s not reading, writing or painting miniatures, she spends time hiking with her dog Chewie.
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