Within the legions of Space Marines scattered throughout the Imperium of Man, there are a select few specialized in unique forms of battle. Of these, some of the most feared are the Infernus Squads, elite Adeptus Astartes renowned for their use of devastating Pyreblaster flame weapons capable or reducing enemies to bubbling pools of molten flesh.
These legendary warriors are now coming to the 10th edition of Warhammer 40K in the form of the new Space Marines Infernus Squad box set. So just what can fans expect to see from this fiery fighters? Below we break out all the details.

What’s Included in the new Space Marines Infernus Squad Box Set?
The new Infernus Squad box set includes 10 individual Space Marines all of which are push-fit and mono posed (although there are a variety of different overall poses). Notably, two of the Space Marines come with a choice of bare heads or helmets, plus cosmetic arm options, allowing you to potentially field two different Sergeants.
It’s a solid outing that works well if you’re running an existing Ultramarines army, although with a few modifications and a little paint work you could use them in another Adeptus Astartes Chapter.

What is the Datasheet and Point Value for An Infernus Squad?
The official Infernus Squad datasheet is available in the Codex: Space Marine for 10th Edition and on Page 55-56 of Games Workshop’s free Adeptus Astartes rules PDF).
The models include the following key abilities:
- Oath of the Moment: At the start of your Command phase, select one unit from your opponent’s army. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model from your army with this ability makes an attack that targets that enemy unit, you can re-roll the hit roll and you can re-roll the Wounds roll.
- Purge the Foe: In your Shooting phase, after this unit has shot, you can select one enemy Infantry unit hit by one or more of those attacks made with a pyre blaster. That enemy unit must take a Battle-shock test.
According to the most recent Munitorium Field Manual (which breaks out the point value of all Warhammer 40K 10th edition models), a squad of 10 Infernus Space Marines would have a 170 point value (although you can also run an optional 5 point squad for 85 points).

What is An Infernus Squad?
In the lore of Warhammer 40K, Infernus Squads are elite Primaris Space Marines who specialize in close quarters combat and the use of Pyreblasters, a type of Flamer weapon capable of shooting out searing jets of liquid promethium-fuel. These types of troopers are used to clear out enemy positions and burn through dense vegetation that could offer concealment.
Infernus Squad Space Marines are alsotypically equipped with Mark X Tacticus Power Armour, bolt pistols and close quarter melee weapons (such as chainswords and combat knives). Sergeants also tend to use other types of power weapons and ranged weapons.

How much Is the new Infernus Squad Box Set?
The new Space Marines Infernus Squad box set has an MSRP of $60 USD, if you purchase it directly from the Games Workshop website. These particular models haven’t appeared in past editions, although GW did you release an Infernus Marines Paint Set
As always, prices may vary if you buy the model from your local game store or from Amazon (where discounts and sales may allow you to pick him up for a bit cheaper, with most third-party retailers offering at least 10-15% discounts).

When Will the New Infernus Squad Box Set Be Released?
The box set is currently available for pre-order and will launch on March 2nd, 2024. It’s possible that local game stores and online retailers will have copies shortly after this date.
It’s not clear how many box sets are available, so it is possible that they may sell out online and could potentially be more difficult to come by.
Final Thoughts
The new Infernus Squad set looks amazing (and has a surprisingly decent price point). If you’re a fan of Space Marines and face melting weaponry, these bad boys will likely get you all fired up. You can pre-order yours now from the Games Workshop website.
Visit our Warhammer 40K Miniatures page for more reviews and news.

Zachary Birch lives in Medford, Massachusetts and has been a dedicated war gamer for over 15 years, playing pretty much ever system under the sun. Orks remain his favorite Warhammer 40K army (because nothing beats stomping gits into the ground). He also enjoys playing video games, reading, playing the guitar and shouting “WAAAGH!” at inappropriate times.
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