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T’au Codex 10th Edition (Deep Dive)

In the grim darkness of the future, the T’au Empire stands as a rare beacon of hope, driven by the desire to bring peace and prosperity to the galaxy. Yet as a species they’re also more than capable of defending their lofty morals, thanks to their advanced technology, formidable mechanized battlesuits and deadly warrior castes.

Now these legendary xenos are once again on the march, with a new T’au Codex for 10th edition Warhammer 40K. The book includes new lore and significant rules updates that reshape how the faction plays on the battlefield. Below, we take a closer look at what’s included.

Table of Contents

What’s included in Codex: T’au?
What is the new T’au Combat Patrol?
What are the new Army rules?
What are the new T’au Detachments?
Kauyon Detachment
Mont’Ka Detachment
Retaliation Cadre
Kroot Hunting Pack
What are the major data sheet changes?
What is the new T’au Crusade rules?
How much is Codex: T’au Empire?
When will Codex: T’au Empire be released?
Final Thoughts on the new codex

The cover art to the new Warhammer 40K 10th edition T'au Codex.

What’s included in The New 10th Edition T’au Codex?

The 10th edition Codex Supplement: T’au hardcover book comes in at 136 pages (which is significantly larger than the recent Dark Angels Codex) and includes the following:

  • New T’au lore, background and model imagery
  • New interior artwork with an updateD layout and design
  • New T’au Empire Combat Patrol (known as The Sudden Dawn Cadre)
  • New datasheets and rules updates, including Kroot Carnivores and Battlesuits
  • New detachments, including the Retaliation Cadre and the Kroot Hunting Pack
  • New Crusade rules to cover narrative play

The book also contains a one-use code to unlock T’au Codex content in the Warhammer 40K App.

Warhammer 40K artwork showing a Ta'u Battlesuit charging into combat.

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What is the new T’au Combat Patrol?

The new T’au Combat Patrol found in the 10th edition Codex is known as “The Sudden Dawn Cadre” and consists of the following models:

Notably, this is a completely new model composition that differs from the existing “Protectors of Aun’Shar” T’au Combat Patrol that was originally published when 10th edition was first launched in the Summer of 2023.

Warhammer 40K artwork showing a Ta'u warrior standing in a field.

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What Are the Army Rules Changes?

The main army mechanic, For The Greater Good, remains unchanged from the version found in the original T’au Army Rules that were released online by Games Workshop in June 2023 following the launch of Warhammer 40K 10th edition.

The rules for Drones also remain largely unchanged from the existing online rules and there are no other major significant changes to the overall performance of the faction.

Warhammer 40K artwork showing a Ta'u army battling on an alien planet.

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What Are the new T’au Codex Detachments?

Then new 10th edition T’au Codex features four Detachments: Kauyon, Mont’Ka, Retaliation Cadre and the Kroot Hunting Pack. Each is detailed below.

Kauyon Detachment

This detachment was already released in the official Games Workshop online T’au Army Rules, but the 10th edition Codex does make a few minor tweaks to the rules.

Detachment Rules: The Patient Hunter Detachment Rule grants improved versions of the Sustained Hits ability from turn three onwards.

Enhancements: The Puretide Engram Neurochip has been replaced with the Solid-Image Projection Unit, which allows you to redeploy up to three units after both players have deployed their army. This includes the ability to place these units into reserve.

Strategems: There has been some changes to the Stratagems on offer as well, including:

  • A Tempting Trap (Battle Tactic): Provides a +1 to wound bonus for a single unit when targeting an enemy unit within range of a specified objective marker (although only from turn three onwards).
  • Point-Black Ambush (Battle Tactic): From turn three onwards can be used to buff the Armour Penetration of a unit’s ranged attack when targeting a unit within 9″.
  • Coordinate To Engage (Battle Tactic): Improves the effectiveness of a single Observer unit, allowing all other units to benefit from the For The Greater Good ability when targeting the spotted unit.
  • Wall of Mirrors (Battle Tactic): Allows you to place a Stealth, Ghostkeel or Commander Shadowsun unit into Strategic Reserves.
  • Combat Embarkation (Wargear): Allows one of your units to embark in a nearby Devilfish vehicle when targeted by an enemy unit during the opponent’s Charge phase
  • Photon Grenades (Wargear): Reduces the charge roll of an opponent’s unit by 2″.
Warhammer 40K artwork showing a squad of Ta'u charging into battle.

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Mont’Ka Detachment

This is a brand new T’au Detachment that’s introduced in the Codex for the first time and focuses on using speed and mobility before ramping up to deliver a heavy dose of damage.

Detachment Rules: The Killing Blow Detachment rule grants the Lethal Hits ability to all ranged weapons in the army during the first three turns as well as the Assault ability if the unit is being guided as per the For the Greater Good army mechanic.

Enhancements: There are also several new Enhancements featured in the Codex, including:

  • The Exemplar of the Mont’ka: Allows the equipped model and unit they are leading to benefit from the Killing Blow rule during the fourth turn.
  • Strike Swiftly: Grants the Scout 6″ ability to two friendly units.
  • Strategic Commander: Provides an OC boost to units that find themselves contesting a chosen objective marker.
  • Coordinated Exploitation: Provides a buff to the equipped unit’s Guided unit, granting the Sustained Hits 1 ability.

Stratagems: The new Mont’Ka Detachment also includes several new options:

  • Pinpoint Counter-Offensive (Battle Tactic): Target enemy unit that destroyed one of your T’au units, providing a a hit re-roll to all friendly units that target said enemy unit.
  • Aggressive Mobility (Battle Tactic): Provides a 6″ move bonus to a unit instead of rolling for advancing.
  • Focused Fire (Battle Tactic): Grants an AP bonus to two T’au units when they target a single chosen enemy unit.
  • Combat Debarkation (Battle Tactic): Allows units to re-roll wounds as they disembark from a transport and target the closet enemy.
  • Pulse Onslaught (Strategic Ploy): Provides a -2″ movement and -2 charge and advance penalty on an enemy unit for an entire turn if your infantry units are able to shoot them.
  • Counterfire Defence Systems (Wargear): Provides a -1 damage when the selected unit is attacked.
Warhammer 40K artwork showing a Ta'u army battling a swarm of Tyranids and genestealers.

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Retaliation Cadre Detachment

If you’re interested in playing T’au Battlesuits, this brand new Detachment will definitely have everything you need. It’s also completely new and appears for the first time in the 10th edition T’au Codex.

Detachment Rules: Bonded Heroes provides +1 strength and an additional +1 armour penetration bonus to ranged attacks for Battlesuit units, provided their target is within 12″ or 6″, respectively.


  • Puretide Engram Neurochip: Allows you to re-use a Stratagem on the equipped model or their unit during a single phase.
  • Starflare Ignition System: Allows you to place the equipped unit into Strategic Reserves at the end of your opponent’s turn provided it is not within engagement range.
  • Internal Grenade Rack:s Inflict up to 6 mortal wounds on an enemy during each movement phase.
  • Prototype Weapon System: Allows you to choose between Sustained Hits 1 or the Lethal Hits ability for the equipped model’s ranged attacks.

Stratagems: Not surprisingly, the new Strategems featured in the Codex are designed to augment T’au Battlesuit unit.

  • Fail-safe Detonator (Epic Deed): Allows you to self-destruct your Battlesuit unit as it’s destroyed by your opponent, inflicting mortal wounds on nearby units (friend or foe).
  • Stimm Injectors (Wargear): Bestows the 6+ Feel No Pain ability on a unit during either the Shooting or Fight phase.
  • The Shortened Blade (Strategic Ploy): Allows you to deploy a Battlesuit unit within 3″ of an enemy unit when arriving from Deep Strike.
  • The Arro’kon Protocol (Battle Tactic): Provides the Sustained Hits 1 or Sustained Hits 2 ability on the selected unit when they target enemy units containing either 6-10 or 11+ models, respectively.
  • The Torchstar Gambit (Strategic Ploy): Allows your Battlesuit units to do a combination of move, shoot, move.
  • The Grav-Inhibitor Field (Strategic Ploy): Enemy units must make a Battle-shock test on a charge.
Warhammer 40K artwork showing a Ta'u army battling Imperial Space Marines.

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Kroot Hunting Pack Detachment

The Kroot are back and better than ever, with the new Detachment featured in the 10th edition T’au Codex covering everything that’s included in the new Kroot Hunting Pack box set.

Detachment Rules: All Kroot in the army gain a 6+ invulnerable save, improving to 5+ against ranged attacks. In addition, all Kroot add +1 to hit rolls when targeting units below starting strength and gain an additional +1 to wound bonus if the target unit is below half strength.

Enhancements: The legendary green skinned carnivores also gain a number of new enhancements in the Codex.

  • The Kroothawk Flock: Grants the Ignores Cover ability to the bearer and their unit’s ranged weapons and prevents enemy units from being set up as reinforcements within 12″.
  • Nomadic Hunter: Increases the mobility of the bearer’s unit and adding the Assault ability to that unit’s weapons.
  • Root-carved Weapons: Grants the Precision and Devastating Wounds ability
  • Borthrod Gland: Enables critical hits on a 5+ for the bearer and their unit.

Stratagems: The Codex also introdices a number of new Strategems that build on Kroot abilities.

  • Join the Hunt (Battle Tactic): Allows you to recycle units of Kroot infantry or Kroot Hounds over the course of a battle.
  • A Trap Well Laid (Battle Tactic): Allows other Kroot units in your army to benefit from improved armour penetration when targeting an enemy unit that was targeted previously in the turn by another Kroot unit.
  • EMP Grenades (Wargear): Attaches a WS or BS debuff on a nearby enemy vehicle when they shoot or fight, respectively.
  • The Grisly Feast (Strategic Ploy): When an enemy unit is destroyed by the Kroot, nearby units must make a Battle-shock test.
  • Guerrilla Warriors (Strategic Ploy): Allows one of your units to fallback and then later declare a charge.
  • Hidden Hunters (Strategic Ploy): Offers additional protection against ranged attacks for one of your units.
Artwork from the T'au Codex 10th edition, showing an army of Kroot charging into battle.

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What are the Datasheet Changes?

There have been a small number of changes to the Datasheets when compared to the original Index rules, but there are a few things to note:

  • Aun’va, Aun’shi, Longstrike, the standard Crisis Commander and Tactical Drones have all been removed.
  • Crisis Suits as a single option have been removed (but we do now have three new Datasheets for Crisis Battlesuit loadouts).
  • The Triple Cyclonic Ion Blaster is no longer an option for the standard Crisis Battlesuit and is restricted to a single instance on the two Commander variants.
  • Farsight has been buffed, now sporting a 2+ armour save and also has a new ability that allows the player to re-use a Stratagem for 0CP.
  • Almost all of the vehicles that were previously equipped with Smart Missile Systems now have Twin-linked versions of the same weapon system.
  • Stealth Suits have seen a slight tweak with their Forward Observers ability now only granting wound re-rolls.
  • Strike Teams have a new ability called Suppression Volley, which can inflict a -1 to hit penalty on enemy units they target with their Pulse Rifles.
  • Sunforge Crisis Battlesuit units come equipped with two Fusion Blasters and have the Sunforge ability that allows you to re-roll the wound and damage roll when targeting enemy vehicles or monsters.
  • Fireknife units are equipped with a Plasma Rifle and Missile Pod, with the option to double up on either weapon.
  • The Starscythe unit is equipped with a Burstcannon and T’au Flamer, with the option to double up on either weapon.
  • All Kroot units have the Scout 7″ rule.
  • Many of the Kroot units also have the Stealth and Infilitrator abilities.
  • The Kroot Trail Shaper is a new Leader unit which allows an attached unit to move up to D6″ in response to an enemy unit’s own movement.
  • Kroot Carnivores have lost their Grisly Feast ability but have gained Fieldcraft (sticky objectives) in addition to some new weapon options and the ability to be joined by two different Leader units when taken in units of 20.
  • Kroot Hounds have the new Loping Pounce ability, which allows them to run and charge if a Kroot Infantry unit is nearby.
  • Krootox Riders are tougher and have better saves and more wounds. Their weaponry has also been slightly buffed.
Warhammer 40K artwork showing the T'au warrior known as Commander Farsight standing on a battlefield.

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What new Crusade material is in the 10th Edition T’au Codex?

There is a substantial Crusade element to the new Codex. The primary mechanic sees your Crusade force expanding the reach of the Empire by bringing star systems under T’au control. This includes a new system for generating random star systems on the fly and populating it with different planet types and even determining the inhabitants stance towards the T’au.

As the Crusade narrative progresses you’ll earn military and diplomatic points which you can use to try and claim different worlds in the active system. Each planet you bring into the Empire provides various benefits, such as the Politcal Centre’s “Belief in the Cause” ability, which allows you to use the Renowned Heroes Requisition for free.

Once you’ve completely conquered a system you’re also able to activate a supply lines bonus, which provides additional benefits as the Crusade continues.

Warhammer 40K artwork showing a squad of T'au Battlesuits leaping into combat.

How much is the New T’au 10th Edition Codex?

Codex Supplement: T’au Empire retails for $35 USD if you purchase it directly from Games Workshop.

As always, prices may vary if you buy the book from your local game store or from Amazon (where discounts and sales may allow you to pick him up for a bit cheaper.

Warhammer 40K artwork showing a Cadre of T'au elders.

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When Will the 10th edition Codex: T’au Empire Be Released?

Currently, Games Workshop has not confirmed when the 10th edition Codex: T’au Empire will be released, but it will likely be in the Spring of 2024.

It’s also possible that online and physical retailers may get their copies at different times, so if you’re planning on buying elsewhere, be sure to check with retailers first.

Warhammer 40K artwork showing a squad of T'au warrior racing into a combat zone.

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Final Thoughts

The new T’au Codex for 10th edition is something Warhammer 40K fans have been expecting for awhile now, and the result is a bit of a mixed bag. Some T’au players may be disappointed with the changes in the Battlesuits and a few of the datasheet adjustments. That being said, the new Detachments look amazing and the return of the Kroot is fantastic.

We’ll be updating this page with information on the new codex (including release date and pricing) as it’s made available.


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Daniel Martin is located in Boston, Massachusetts and has been an avid wargamer for as long as he can remember. Black Templars remain his favorite Warhammer 40K army and he enjoys board games, cycling and spending way too much money on miniatures.

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