In the grim darkness of the future there is only… WAAAGH! At least, according to the countless Orks swarming into battle across the Warhammer 40K universe. And while these greenskinned xenos are often dismissed as brainless cannon fodder, there are certain Orks who stand above the rest, earning a reputation as legendary git stompers.
Enter Ufthak Blackhawk, the Ork hero of the Black Library novel Brutal Kunnin’ and its sequel Da Big Dakka. In honor of the fan-favorite warboss, Games Workshop recently unveiled an exclusive new Ufthak Blackhawk model, which was released as part of the 2024 Black Library Celebration.
So just what can fans expect to see from this snazzy skraga skraper? Below we break out all the details.

Who is Ufthak Blackhawk?
Ufthak Blackhawk is an Ork warboss created by longtime Black Library author Mike Brooks. The character first appeared in the 2020 short story “Where Dere’s Da Warp Dere’s A Way,” followed by the 2021 full-length novel Brutal Kunnin’ and the 2024 sequel Da Big Dakka.
Notably, Ufthak is a member of the Bad Moons Clan and played a pivotal role in the Tekwaagh!, which consisted of a massive horde of Orks invading the Imperial Forge World of Hephaesto.
Like all Orks, Ufthak is vicious and extremely brutal. Yet he is also incredibly cunning, displaying a level of ambition and intellect that’s rare for his kind. He is often the first into battle and is almost always accompanied by his faithful squig, Princess.

What is the Datasheet for the Ufthak Blackhawk Model?
Games Workshop recently released the full datasheet for Ufthak (which you can also check out below). Notably, the model falls under the auspices of Warhammer Legends, which includes special standalone units that can be attached to regular armies. Below are a few standout aspects of the model, if you’re planning on adding Ufthak to your Ork army.
- Wounds and Saving Throws: With six Wounds and a 5+ Invulnerable Saving Throw, Ufthak is definitely capable of soaking up a ton of damage (what else can you expect from an Ork whose head was surgically attached to his old Warboss’s body).
- Ranged & Melee Weapons: The range and damage from Ufthak’s Shokk rifle is devastating (quite literally), with the potential to deliver some serious damage. He’s also incredibly powerful up close thanks to both his Snazzhammer and sicking his squib Princess on enemy units.
- Abilities: The now standard TELLYPORTA TECH Ork ability definitely offers the potential to drop Ufthak onto the battlefield when he’s needed most. More impressive, however, is hie GARGANTSMASHA ability, which allows you to re-roll Hits and Wounds when Ufthak makes attacks against Titanic units.
Notably, the Ufthak model itself costs 70 points, so he is a little on the pricey side if you are planning on adding him to your existing Ork faction.

How much is the Ufthak Blackhawk Model?
The Ufthak Blackhawk model retails for $45 USD, if you purchase it directly from the Games Workshop website. While a little on the pricey side, this is still cheaper than other standalone characters, such as the recent Lion El’Jonson model which was running for $70 USD.
As always, prices may vary if you buy the model from your local game store or from Amazon (where discounts and sales may allow you to pick him up for a bit cheaper, with most third-party retailers offering at least 10-15% discounts).

When Will the Ufthak Blackhawk Model Be Released?
The new Ufthak Blackhawk model will be released on February 24th, 2024 via the Games Workshop Website. It is a limited edition model, however, so is expected to sell out quickly (notably, GW has been facing ongoing criticism on scalping).
It is possible that you may also be able to pick up the model from your friendly local game store or from online other retailers like Amazon (although this is not yet been confirmed).

Final Thoughts
It’s great to see Ufthak getting his very own model, and longtime Ork players are no doubt chomping at the bit to add him to their armies. In fact, a number of fans have already released their own custom paint schemes for the model. Here’s hoping we see more Ork units like this in the near future.
We’ll be keeping a close eye on this story in the days ahead and update this page with new information on the Ufthak model as it’s made available.
Visit our Warhammer 40K Miniatures page for more reviews and news.

Zachary Birch lives in Medford, Massachusetts and has been a dedicated war gamer for over 15 years, playing pretty much ever system under the sun. Orks remain his favorite Warhammer 40K army (because nothing beats stomping gits into the ground). He also enjoys playing video games, reading, playing the guitar and shouting “WAAAGH!” at inappropriate times.
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