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Kill Team: Termination (First Look)

The past few months have been amazing time for Kill Team fans. First, we saw the release of the Kill Team: Salvation box set, which introduced new Aeldari and Space Marines models. This was followed up shortly after with Kill Team: Nightmare, which featured new Chaos Space Marines and Drukhari miniatures.

Now, Games Workshop has unveiled an all-new expansion in the form of Kill Team: Termination, an upcoming box set that finds Hernkyn scouts from the Leagues of Votann facing down Astra Militarum troopers infected by Genestealers.

So just who will survive when the Kin go up against the Cult? Below, we break out all the details.

The box art for the new Kill Team: Termination set.

What’s included in the Kill Team: Terminator Box Set?

The new Termination box set is the third major Kill Team expansion for 2024 and was first announced at AdeptiCon in March. Like the previous Salvation and Nightmare sets, the expansion takes place on the toxc planet of Bheta-Decima, a former forge world that’s been transformed into a lifeless wasteland and is the crash site of the legendary space hulk known as Gallowdark.

The new Kill Team: Termination box set includes:

  • 10x Hernkyn Yaegir Votann Scouts
  • 10x Genestealer Astra Militarum troopers
  • x2 Plasma Generatorium terrain pieces
  • Datacards and token sheets for each team
  • An 88-page manual including lore and rules for both Kill Teams
  • One full size transfer sheet

Notably, the set also includes nine new missions that take advantage of the the terrain and includes additional rules for utilizing the new terrain, which in addition to providing cover can also be incredibly volatile and deadly.

A game in progress featuring the miniatures and terrain that comes in the new Kill Team: Termination set.

Who are the Hernkyn Yaegirs?

The Hernkyn are a faction within the Leagues of Votann who are known for their skills in survival and scouting. Members of the Hernkyn often leave their Kin for decades at a time, venturing out into the dark and unexplored depths of the galaxy. These veteran explorers are regarded as great heroes among the Votann for the knowledge they bring back, particularly when it comes to locating new void channels, along with valuable resources and possible planets for settlement.

Hernkyn have appeared in Warhammer 40K before, primarily in the form of Hernkyn Pioneers, which are mobile scout troopers who ride Magna-Coil Bikes and are equipped with intelligence-gathering equipment and a range of weaponry.

Hernkyn Yaegirs are the infantry version of the Pioneers are renowned for their hunting and tracking skills, going in silently on foot. Notably, the Hernkyn Yaegirs found in the Kill Team: Termination box set are brand new models that have never before appeared in any Warhammer 40K products. The closest we’ve seen so far is the standalone Hearthykyn Salvagers Kill Team set which was released back in 2023.

Who are the Genestealer Brood Brothers?

The vanguard of the Tyranid hive, Genestealers are a well-known faction within the Warhammer 40K universe. And while they often infect and corrupt the poor and downtrodden of various worlds, in rare cases they also infiltrate the ranks of skilled warriors.

That’s the case with the new Genestealer Brood Brothers from Kill Team: Termination. These models combine the equipment and training of Imperial Guardsmen with the zealotry and hideous mutations of a Genestealer Cultist.

The Brood Brothers models included in the set are completely new, having never before appeared in either Kill Team or the standard Warhammer 40K game.

When is the Kill Team: Termination release date?

Currently, Games Workshop has not yet confirmed when the box set will be released. It will likely be in the late summer of 2024. As with other Games Workshop products, the release dates in your local game shop may vary. It will also likely be available from other online retailers shortly after the official launch date (currently there are no pre-orders available via Amazon).

How much is Kill Team Nightmare?

While the official MSRP has not yet been confirmed, the new Kill Team: Termination box set will likely have a MSRP of $130 USD (£80.00).

As always, this price may vary if you pick it up from your friendly local game store or other online retailer, which typically knock 15 to 20% off GW’s standard price.

Final Thoughts

It’s great to see Games Workshop continue to support Kill Team, which remains a Warhammer 40K gateway game for new players, as well as maintaining a dedicated fan base. It’s also great to see both the Genestealers and Leagues of Vottan get more love from GW, with both factions often under appreciated.

We’ll continue to keep an eye on Kill Team: Termination and provide more information as it’s made available. In the meantime, you can find additional details on the Games Workshop website. Below is also a recent video from GW that offers a closer look at the new box set.


Visit our Warhammer 40K Miniatures page for more reviews and news.

Zachary Birch lives in Medford, Massachusetts and has been a dedicated war gamer for over 15 years, playing pretty much ever system under the sun. Orks remain his favorite Warhammer 40K army (because nothing beats stomping gits into the ground). He also enjoys playing video games, reading, playing the guitar and shouting “WAAAGH!”  at inappropriate times.

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